Strategic Planning for Independent Artists: Points to Ponder

Strategic Planning for Independent Artists: Points to Ponder

Now is the time that many businesses and organizations begin focusing on their strategic plan for the upcoming year. If you're an artist, producer, engineer, etc. without a major machine behind you, you should consider yourself as a business.  While it’s important to plan and adjust throughout the year, December tends to be popular as it’s a great time to reflect on how things went and what you wish to accomplish heading into the next year.
New Year's resolutions are great for expressing your intentions, however they may not come into fruition without a solidified plan that details how you will achieve your goals. Take it to the next level and develop your strategic plan to help you accomplish your artistic goals for the new year and propel your career forward at a high velocity.

5 Artistic Personalities That Can Curse a Collaboration

5 Artistic Personalities That Can Curse a Collaboration

This was my fifth post for my dearly departed friend & colleague Praverb.
Collaboration is an awesome tool when executed effectively. The benefits to the parties involved can make a huge impact on their individual careers but occasionally, they can go wrong. Sometimes things just happen that can throw off planning, other times people just happen.
When “people” happen, it is not due to anomalies but rather reoccurring habitual actions that lead to expectations not being met. Some of these characteristics can leave a bad taste in the mouths of collaborating artists, producers and promoters, potentially causing social backlash.
If you recognize these traits in anyone you have worked with, are working with or desire to work with you can make adjustments accordingly to spare yourself some headache. If you recognize any of these traits in yourself, reflect on it and take the opportunity to become a person people love to collaborate with.

Making Music on a Budget [Infographic]

Making Music on a Budget [Infographic]

Here are some simple tips to make the process of budgeting for your project a less daunting task and easily attainable. | Visit for your instrumental needs & dope stuff for music lovers.

4 Things to Consider to Conquer Self Doubt and Create

4 Things to Consider to Conquer Self Doubt and Create

It happens to many artists and quite frequently those that are tremendously talented.  Being an artist requires a certain amount of sensitivity.  You see the world differently and you draw from your own personal experiences and emotions to compose something that your fans will enjoy.  You are pouring yourself into your music and the thought of someone not appreciating that can be a bit frightening and at times cause creative paralysis. Here are four things to keep in mind to allow you to create freely.

7 Types of Social Media Music Promoters

7 Types of Social Media Music Promoters

This was my third post for my dearly departed friend & colleague Praverb. He was a HUGE assistance to this post and I will forever be grateful for his guidance, help and the ability to broadcast my ideas and thoughts on his platform.
Social media has become a megaphone for the masses. As music artists and producers we recognize the value that it holds for getting our talent to the ears of people who will enjoy it.
Chances are, you’re connected with others in the industry and have witnessed the various tactics employed to get people to listen.
Some strategies work well for some people, while others...not so much.
Every artist is unique and has a unique fan base, therefore a variety of strategies tailored to your personality and those you are trying to reach is important.
No matter what your style is, make it work for you. Here, I will point out 7 types of social media music promoters.

The Ultimate Music Distribution Directory

The Ultimate Music Distribution Directory

I worked on a list that I thought would be helpful for independent artists.  There's a lot of focus on only a few outlets but there are many to choose from.  This list was originally published on, many thanks to Praverb for the assistance and support.

Creative Marketing Through Connecting

Creative Marketing Through Connecting

Marc Ecko shared his thoughts on marketing and authenticity with Inc's Scott Gerber.  In a digital society with a wide variety of social mediums it is important not to lose sight on how to connect with people and convey your message in a manner that resonates with them. The concepts he describes can be utilized by entrepreneurs in any industry, including music, without breaking the bank

3 Simple Ways to Turn Fans Into Supporters

3 Simple Ways to Turn Fans Into Supporters

This was my first post for, inspired some of the frustrations I've observed artists contend with.  There is a difference between a fan (someone who enjoys your music) and a supporter (someone who contributes their time and or money to enable you to continue in your craft).  Here are some simple tips to convert your fans into supporters.

Marketing Your Project (Links From Around the Web)

Marketing Your Project (Links From Around the Web)

Links from around the web for Independent Artists looking to market their music.
I've come across some websites and articles that have great content for independent artists looking to properly market their music.  If you know of any others that should be included, please feel free to share as I intend to update with more links as often as I come across new relevant information.

Paying for Persona

Paying for Persona

Strong internet presence is a coveted thing amongst many independent artists.  So much so, that for some lies the temptation to take shortcuts to gain notoriety. There are a plethora of companies that offer the illusion that more people are paying attention to an artist than there actually are.  The truth is that there are people on this planet who believe something is hot simply because they are told that it is or they’re seeking to be a part of the first wave of the next big thing.  While these tactics may draw the attention of those individuals to you, they are bandwagon fans and they’re not going to be loyal.  If you are only concerned with appearances, you are not going to attract a fan base that will provide you with longevity.

Music Websites for Independent Music Artists

Music Websites for Independent Music Artists

As a music producer I come in contact with many independent music artists, performers, managers, producers, and independent labels seeking information and opinions regarding tools available for us on the internet.  I am often asked questions about websites that may be helpful to use and those that are not. While some of this information is relative to the specific goals that you are trying to accomplish, some facts cannot be denied.