Achickwitbeatz The Producer

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6 Ways to Strengthen Your Online Presence

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If you’re looking for ways to strengthen you online presence, here are six ways to do it.

1) Join Popular Social Media Platforms

Be where your people are. Once you learn who your demographic is, use the platforms that they prefer to use. Presence on popular platforms make you easier to find. The more places you are the more likely it will be for potential fans to find and follow you.

2) Keep Your Screen Name Consistent

Having the same screen name across platforms will make you easily searchable. If you find that your stage name is taken on a platform, consider adding a small variation to it that will be easy to remember such as an underscore, numbers, etc.

3) Post Often

It's recommended to post 3 times per day, but even once a day can improve your visibility. If time is a factor consider scheduling your posts in advance with a social media sharing app or hiring a social media manager to keep your accounts up to date.

4) Share Valuable Insights

Share your experiences & perspectives that will be relevant to people with common interests. Offering things of value will put you in the path of people looking for what you provide.

5) Blog

Blogging about topics related to what you represent is a great way to connect with like minds. It will allow more people to find you outside of your social media related efforts.

6) Put Your Music on Various Platforms

The more places you put your music, the more you broaden the potential of your reach. Make it accessible to your future fans who discover new music on their platform of choice.

Utilizing these strategies on a consistent basis will help bolster your online presence, potentially introducing you to new fans.

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