Achickwitbeatz The Producer

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Conversations & Quotables: Q&A with Miles Bonny

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In this Q&A session I had the chance to chat with the multi-talented, über-authentically soulful artist known as Miles Bonny.  He shares his wisdom, the drive behind his inspiration, and philosophies that are crucial for independent artists to be aware of and embrace.

Achickwitbeatz: Who is Miles Bonny?

Miles Bonny: I grew up around live musicians playing classical music, brass quartets/quintets, latin, jazz, broadway, opera. So being a musician, getting paid to perform is not new to me. My father was and is a professional trumpet player. His mother was a pioneering Music Therapist, his father was a Minister, my other grandfather was also a minister and my other grandma is a civil rights/women's rights supporter. So I have a history of social work, music, and helaing humanity those two things influence my philosophical approach to what i do now. I grew up around NYC and soaked it in during high school, so i've been exploring other areas and cultures ever since. 

Achickwitbeatz: When did you discover that you needed music to be a part of your life?

Miles Bonny: It always has been. But I knew that playing trumpet in school band wasnt enough. I wanted to make beats, so i started with a keyboard and later an MPC200Xl and then started singing later. At this point it is my therapy and contribution to the world and also something people who dont live physically near me seem to enjoy so i keep it up for them and me. 

Achickwitbeatz: What would you say is the most valuable thing that you've learned since you became an independent artist?

Miles Bonny: Do what you want to, The "fans" may not support/like/buy your music all of the time so you need to continue to do it for yourself if it is in fact something you love. The music business is in a weird state now, so unless you have a massive budget and marketing plan, don't plan on making much money, plan on being dope. 

Achickwitbeatz: What are 5 attributes/skills that would place an artist on your top 10 list?

Miles Bonny: Originality, Genuineness, Listenability, new approaches to genres or sounds ive heard before, forward thinking. They have to do something better or different from everyone else i have in my record collection. Or why listen again? I might as well listen to whoever does whatever the best, from ALL OF TIME. Compete with all of history and all of forever.

Achickwitbeatz: Conversely, what are 5 attributes that would place an artist at the very bottom of your list?

Miles Bonny: Shittyness. Copying other people. Acting like you are doper or better than you are. No relationship to the way the music makes you feel.

Achickwitbeatz: What's next on the horizon for Miles Bonny?

Miles Bonny: Creating more music that adds something new to my discography, revisiting some of what people seem to like from me, the jazzy soul slow vibe, but also pushing people's ears to understand that I love and am capable of many more types of vibes. My long term impact will be larger than music. I'm interested in Social Music Therapy for the masses. Bringing the Humanity back to music.

I'm also always available for vocal features or horn features. Just be ready to offer me what you can. I need it to work for everyone.

Achickwitbeatz: How can people connect with you and stay current with what you have in the works?

Miles Bonny: I try to keep updated
Otherwise, - all of me page - music page
@milesbonny on instagram

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