Achickwitbeatz The Producer

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Conversations & Quotables: Q&A with Sheba Shane

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In this brief Q&A emcee Sheba Shane shares her inspiration, what lies at the heart of her music and the why behind the need for her perspective.

Achickwitbeatz: Who is Sheba Shane?

I was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. I like to call myself an honest emcee. I'm motivated to rap by words ultimately, but also by the fact that there are so few women's perspectives in hip hop. Mine is just another. Black women in general struggle in media to find something that we can 100% relate to, so we have to try and find pieces. We'll take out a word here or change a word there. I try to create lyrics we can say verbatim. But some slick sh*t. Lol.

Achickwitbeatz: When did you discover you needed music to be a part of your life?

I've always loved music. An older cousin and I formed a group when I was about 9 called Sugar & Spice. We did routines in front of the mirror, wrote raps, had dance contests. I got a lot of musical instruments as gifts as a child like a guitar, a keyboard, a drum set. In high school, I played basketball and would carry this big boombox to every game so I could play music in the locker room. So, I always knew.

Achickwitbeatz: What would you say is the most challenging thing for independent artists to overcome?

The most challenging thing for independent artists right now is investing time and money in the wrong things. There are a lot of predators in this industry who just look at you like a dollar sign. They are not genuinely interested in advancing your career or supporting your music. I suggest you ask about past winners of contests and showcases anytime someone asks you to pay.

Achickwitbeatz: What are 5 skills/attributes that would place an artist on your top 10 list?

1. I like witty artists
2. Wordplay/Vocab
3. Flow
4. Story-telling
5. Creativity

Achickwitbeatz: Conversely, what are 5 attributes that would place an artist at the very bottom of your list?

1. Unoriginal
2. Uninspired
3. Lacking substance
4. Monotonous
5. Poor production

Achickwitbeatz: What can people expect from Sheba Shane?

You can expect me to tell the truth. It can be ugly but I promise to let you know how I really feel about as much as possible. I got a mixtape coming out this summer, The C.O.M.P (The Contents Of My Purse) and that will be available on datpiff. Previous mixtape "Sheba Baby Volume One" is currently available for download on You can catch me live on selected tour dates with The Nappy Roots.

Achickwitbeatz: How can people stay current with what you have in the works?

Follow me on Twitter, FB and IG @shebashane
Check me out on coming soon 

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