
Networking is undoubtedly crucial for music artists to build a thriving career. With so many music events being postponed, it will take some maneuvering to compensate for what would normally occur face to face. Here are four easy ways to strengthen connections and expand your network from a safe space.

1) Browse Hashtags

Visit your social media platforms of choice and search the hashtags for various music topics of interest. Like and comment on the posts that grab your attention. Be careful not to like and comment too much too quickly or you could get mistaken for spam and have your account penalized. Leaving worthwhile comments could lead to a meaningful exchange.

2) Search Followers

Browse your followers lists to find people who may have fallen off your radar due to algorithm changes. Interact with people you haven't connected with in a while. If they've released a new project, check it out and share your thoughts. Checking in with people already in your network can strengthen relationships.

3) Visit Live Streams

Tune in to various live streams on social media platforms and see who's watching with you. Contribute engaging comments or questions when relevant. Engaging during live streams could open a dialogue with the webcaster and/or attendees.

4) Connect on Posts

Join the comments section of a music article, blog post or social media post. Leave an insightful comment and respond to comments that you can relate to with applicable information. Joining in on posts can spark a fruitful discussion with the original poster and others on the comment thread.
