
Understanding how & why people utilize social media can go a long way to help you know where to target your marketing and promotional efforts. Observing and staying up to date with media trends can ensure your marketing strategy is superlative.

1) Instagram can generate 4x more engagement than Facebook.

Engagement is a key factor for social media promotion. It lets you know that you aren’t sharing your music into a void or virtual abyss. Engaged users can spark interest and create dialogue among other users. Increased engagement leads to increased listeners & feedback. The more people interact with your post the higher your post will rank in the algorithm, increasing your visibility.

2) 300 million users use Facebook Stories daily vs 500 million who use Instagram Stories daily.

The large volume of users shows that stories is a great tool to reach more people. With Instagram Stories wielding more popularity it may be worth a little more attention, but both platforms are prompting a lot of daily activity. Utilizing stories can potentially expand your audience and help you gain new fans.

3) 40% of Twitter users reported purchasing something after seeing it on Twitter.

Promotion on Twitter isn’t futile. Although there is a lot of activity clamoring for users’ attention, people are open to trying new things. This insight as to how users interact with promotion & marketing on the platform let you know what you can expect from your efforts.

4) Twitter users spend an average of 3.39 minutes per session on the platform.

Each Twitter session has a very narrow window of time to capture users’ interest. Customizing your tweets with this in mind and tweeting frequently will improve your chances of your music grabbing their attention within that small window.

5) Tweets with 1-2 hashtags get 100% more engagement.

Some people prefer to forgo the hashtags because of aesthetics, but with a 100% increase of engagement that means missing out on listeners. According to Twitter, if you use more than 2 hashtags engagement tends to decline. Use 1-2 hashtags that represent what your music reflects or the audience you’re trying to attract.

6) People watch 2 billion videos on Twitter per day. Watching video is the #3 reason people come to Twitter, behind news & photos.

Photos and videos are a great way to attract users. Alternating between these mediums frequently can help you get your music to more people, potentially increasing your fan base.

7) Users watch 85% of Facebook videos without sound.

The majority of Facebook users watch video without sound, so it’s important to make sure that your video has images intriguing enough to entice viewers to listen. Include captions for any dialogue or lyrics your video contains to capture their interest and prompt them to unmute.

8) Facebook users are 4x more likely to watch live streams than recorded videos.

You can live stream a virtual listening party, or even an impromptu Q&A/”behind the scenes” about your music. More eyes on your music means more prospective fans.

Utilizing these statistics to tailor your marketing plan can make your labor more fruitful. The more you know about where your target market/potential fans are and how they use social spaces, the better chances you have for your marketing strategy to work the way you want it to work.

8 Helpful Stats to Know if You Market Your Music on Social Media (9:16)