
 There are many music contracts that cover a wide range of details, but knowing the fundamentals of the popular ones can help you in your music career. Seek legal counsel for assistance with contracts.

FGF Music Contracts

360 Deal: The music label receives income from all areas of the artist’s work (concerts, merch, etc.).

Administration Deal: Administrator supervises music publishing for a percentage of the artist’s royalties.

Back-End Deal: Sharing future royalties with the other party (producer ,promoter, etc.) in the agreement.

Co-Writer Agreement: Specifies how ownership of the music should be split.

Distribution Deal: The distributor distributes the artist’s music in exchange for a percentage of the royalties.

Exclusive Songwriter Agreement:
Publisher controls the rights to songs & pays an advance to the artist.

Producer Deal: Specifies fees, royalty splits & additional terms.

Publishing Deal: Publisher takes a stake in ownership of the artist’s music for a percentage of royalties.

Record Deal:
Music label pays the artist an advance in exchange for a percentage of royalties.

Work For Hire: The artist/songwriter doesn’t retain any rights to the music, but is paid outright.
